Thats right i gave in and got a blogger account, Live journals okay but not much fun when everyone else is over here on blogger..its like going to a theme park on your own while your friends are at home doing housework. not fun.
Also i've been tagged again, so where better to start then with 10 random things about me.
1) When i'm expecting post (and sometimes when i'm not) i sit on my bed with my laptop, or whatever is occupying my mind at the time and every few seconds i'll look through my blinds to see if i can see the postmans bike at the top of the road. In-fact right now i'm waiting for a royal mail van to bring a lovely boutique tutu from, everytime i hear a loud car or a van i poke my head up and move the blinds out the way to look outside...yet i still won't open my blinds.
2) I once spent a whole day watching lilo and stitch. I watched the first film in the morning and then discovered a lilo and stitch episode marithon on the disney channel, i then watched the second film and the first again. and people wonder why i talk so much crap?
3) I learnt to play saxophone just so this cute ginger guy with freckles would notice me. I spent hours and hours practising the pink panther theme tune, then when it came down to the show i was in he was watching, i got stage fright and blew into the saxophone creating a terrible horrible loud wet fart sounding noise.
i didn't go back to school for a week.
4) When i was about three it snowed really heavily in our back garden, mum and dad brought me this super cute pink snow suit (which i hated) i was running round our snow filled back garden in said pink snow suit with my dad watching me, he turned round to talk to my mum when half way through the conversastion she shouted "Where's Jemma gone!!" When they stumbled into the garden they found me in a large snow filled hole, i had been running round and fallen into what was at some point meant to be a pond, all you could see was a little pink bauble on the top of the snow suit.
5) I am still terribly afraid of gremlins.
Remember Gizmo the cute little mogwai? i loved him to bits but whenever i went to sleep from the age of about six, i would NOT turn the light off (Gremlins don't like light you see) i didn't actually sleep with the lights off till i was about 11, i didn't even like going downstairs to get a drink in the dark. Of course now i sleep with the light off and usually with le significant other but sometimes i'll still freak out...especially when i've been drinking.
6) I have broken all my toes all my fingers and both my arms. In-fact i have broken one of my arms twice, exactly a year apart and right before going on holiday. grrr.
7) I really don't mind bugs, don't mind them at all. But if they land on me, its a whole different game. I was sitting at the train station last week, off to do some paper shopping, twas a nice day and then this big fat ugly beetle thing landed on me i stood up from the bench i was on and did what looked like a weird dance, i didn't want to squash it or touch it (cause thats mean and i might piss it off) i managed to get my jumper off (almost as fast as i got up!) and continued my strange dance as i threw my jumper on the floor, i then picked up my jumper and sat down as normal, with all these people in suits starring at me.
8) I remember when i was six they did really cool my little pony toys at McDonalds..i really really wanted to get a happy meal so i could have a my little pony, i asked mum and she said we didn't have enough money. i stormed off upstairs and came up with a bright idea...i cut my bum length hair into a just below the ear bob then proudly went downstairs to tell mum we could go to McDonalds because we wouldn't have to pay for me to get my hair trimmed for a long long while.
we never did go in the end.
9) I used to believe i could really fly. You know those dreams you get when you're flying? i don't know about you guys but mine seemed really really relisitic, they would always start with me taking a run up, jumping into the air and being able to fly. So one morning i woke up and i made myself a cape out of one of my dressing gowns and jumped off my bed. Pretty high as well, i flapped my arms as hard as i could but fell to the floor. Fourtnatly my arm broke my fall and i had to be taken to A and E. While there i told the doctor i broke my arm flying and that its much harder than it looks.
10) I own five pairs of fairy wings, six fairy themed headbands and four magic wands.